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- From: rkrouse@inow.com (rkrouse@inow.com)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.fan.art-bell,talk.religion.newage,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: COA#40 Pyramids Discovered in China
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 04:24:30 GMT
- Organization: NSI/INOW
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- Center of Attention Newsletter #40
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- Pyramids Discovered in China
- edited by Jason
- GISTS Hartwig Hausdorf publisher of "The White Pyra-
- mids" (only in German at the moment) showed films of his
- recent return from Xian province in China, where up to
- NINETY pyramids have been "discovered", one of which is
- a colossal 300 meters high, the rest ranging from 35 to 90
- meters. What a sight !!! he was standing on top of one,
- with SEVENTEEN others visible around it. Atmosphere at
- Xian is infamous for Industrial pollution, but nevertheless
- an amazing spectacle IF ONLY for the astounding fact that
- nobody had ever expected there to be ANY pyramids in
- China, let alone that many.
- Apparently the big one (50km SW of Xian I think)
- was first noticed /photographed by an American pilot off-
- course in the last war. Then the report was forgotten, and
- the "cultural" Revolution wiped out all references to the
- Pyramid Fields of Xian. Indeed the Chinese maniacs even
- started PLANTING TREES systematically all over the
- pyramids, so as to convert the appearance (of some of
- them) into mere "hills" !! What for ?
- Ask Zawi of Giza the same question to under-
- stand. He DIDN'T WANT to consider that the Sphinx may
- be "Atlantean" from 12000 years ago, since it would imply
- the Egyptians were "mere" descendants from some pre-
- historic SUPERIOR race !! i.e. Egotism and Stupidity,-
- doesn't it remind you of bickering "moderators" trying to
- squash all references to Atlantis on THIS group !! Pre-
- sumably the Chinese "authorities" decided they didn't want
- to Know either !!! The local "archaeologist" /museum cura-
- tor was asked in Xian, what work they had done on the
- White Pyramids to discover their origin,- NOTHING. "We
- have been given no money nor instructions" they muttered.
- "It will have to be for the next generation IF AT ALL"
- Why has nobody ever noticed them before ? well
- the biggest one is not far from a Chinese Rocket base
- (shades of Dashur) and for DECADES, no foreign devils
- were allowed travel permits in that region. Also the local
- farmers don't give a shit about them, influenced no doubt
- by Chairman Mao's decision that all relics of the Rich
- Landhoarders were to be obliterated. Hence why not plant
- trees on top of them and forget they ever existed ? Simple
- logic to an Inscrutable peasant.
- The construction of the Chinese Pyramids is similar
- to Teotiuhuacan, made of piled earth with stepped sides,
- rather than the spectacular engineering of Khufu. also the
- tops of most of them are flattened off - like the Mexican
- ones, some also being rectangular. but the QUANTITY !!!
- and for what PURPOSE ??? Nobody knows anything. What
- percentage of "professional" archaeologists had even a
- glimmer of awareness of their existence's ! Isn't it amazing
- that such a site could remain secret for so long. So what
- ELSE is hiding on this planet,- unwanted by all you space-
- age know-alls ?
- Atlantis is a comin! Up your arses "professionals"
- Egotists pretended there was nothing to be found there. He
- insulted West as an "amateur", and Bauval as "crazy".
- Why ? First because he DIDNT WANT to find anything,
- and (like Academics) preferred to SCORN rather than think
- and dig. And second, because he was delaying while mil-
- lion dollar negotiations with American TV to be "live" during
- the opening of the underground chambers. THREE YEARS
- since Gantenbrink first found the Stargate Door, and since
- Bauval first noticed the Orion Correlation of ROSTAU
- (meeting point "horizon" of the DUAT). And all the time
- was busy digging up the new temple entrance.
- So some pre-Diluvian civilization looks to have
- existed FOR CERTAIN. The sphinx was weathered for a
- couple of Thousand years by torrential rainfall (probably in
- the region 9000 - 7000 bc), and Robert Schoch WAS
- RIGHT. What will they find behind Stargate ? Who cares !
- just hurry up and lets have a look.....
- Well, it's June and the movie "The Arrival" is out,
- next is "Independence Day", followed by, "The Men in
- Black", "Millennium" and others. Let's get the real show on
- the road, guys! According to Sheldon Nidle, things should
- start happening this month and escalate over Summer. I
- have to tell you, that I have many more reports of sightings
- and just don't have the space to put them all in. There is a
- lot of activity going on! Keep your eyes open and let us
- know what you've heard or seen.